Hairline Stair-step Cracks
Although they may not appear noticeable at first glance, small hairline cracks along the exterior walls of a home can indicate potential foundation settlement issues.

Exterior WindowSill Cracks
Small hairline cracks along this exterior windowsill subtly indicated that the home's foundation had shifted as a result of settlement.

Sinking Interior Floors
Large gaps had formed between the floors and walls in several areas of the home, allowing water to intrude as a result of the foundation settling.

Helical Pier Installation
The LRE crew begins installing each helical pier deep into the soil beneath the foundation until stronger, competent soil layers are reached.

Complete Helical Pier Installation
The helical piers have been fully installed and securely bracketed to the foundation's footer, effectively transferring the home's weight to the stable soil layers deep below the surface.

EZ Flow French Drain Placement
After successfully installing the helical pier system, the LRE crew carefully backfills the excavated areas with the previously removed soil and installs the EZ Flow French drain system in a trench above the piers.

Concealing French Drain
Finally, once the EZ Flow French drain is fully installed above the helical piers, it is carefully covered with gravel to ensure proper water flow into the system while maintaining a seamless and clean appearance.