Settling Foundation
A thorough home inspection conducted by an LRE Design Specialist revealed that the homeowner's foundation had been gradually settling over time, indicating that a comprehensive solution was needed to provide permanent stabilization.

Preparing for Helical Pier Installation
To initiate the helical pier installation process, the LRE team excavates soil at each designated pier location to access the foundation's footer.

Helical Pier Installation
Using specialized equipment, the LRE team installs each helical pier by driving them deep into the ground until they reach strong, load-bearing soil layers.

Complete Helical Pier Installation
The helical piers have been fully installed and securely bracketed to the foundation's footer, providing the home with the necessary and permanent stabilization.

Concealing Helical Piers
Once the helical pier installation is complete, the LRE team ensures a clean work site by replacing the excavated soil and concealing the helical piers.