Exterior Wall Cracks
The homeowner became understandably concerned when he noticed cracks emerging in the exterior walls. As a common sign of foundation settlement, the homeowner knew they had to act fast in order to get the issue resolved.

Site Preparation for Helical Pier Installation
The LRE team begins preparation for the installation of the helical piers by first removing the proper amount of soil at key areas around the foundation.

Beginning of Helical Pier Installation
Following the removal of soil, the LRE team begins mechanically driving the helical piers into the soil below the foundation of the home.

Stabilizing Home With Helical Piers
Once proper depths have been reached below the home, steel foundation brackets are positioned against the foundation footing, where the weight of the home is then transferred through the piers to the stable soils below.

Complete Installation of Helical Piers
This helical pier is now successfully installed, providing permanent stabilization to the home's foundation.

Cleanup of Installation Site
After the helical piers have been completely installed, the LRE team replaces the previously removed soil to cover up and conceal the piers to provide a seamless appearance.